
April 12, 2021

4 of the Weirdest Allergies You Could Possibly Have

Having allergies is one of the most irritating things ever. It makes your nose run and induces sneezing. But did you know, there are people that are allergic to a whole host of other things? Like money or exercise? If you're prone to allergies or think that you've got one of the strangest symptoms out there, read on.


#1- Allergic to cockroaches 

A cockroach allergy surprises a lot of people, but it’s actually pretty common. So common that it’s one of the 58 allergens our allergy drops treat. An allergy to roaches is near impossible to find out about unless you’ve had an allergy test. You won’t be breaking out in hives at the thought of them, but they can cause hay fever-like symptoms when they are around. Cockroaches produce proteins that people with allergies react to and can cause reactions like itching, sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes. 

Cockroach allergies can be difficult to prevent since it's nearly impossible to get rid of all the bugs in your home — let alone all the ones you might come into contact with on the streets.


If you're one of the unlucky people who suffer from this bizarre allergy, here's how to deal with it:

  • Start treating your cockroach allergy with allergy drops, so you can actually treat your allergies rather than just suffering with them.

  • Wash your bedding regularly (cockroaches can live inside mattresses) and vacuum frequently.

  • Wash hands well if you come into contact with a cockroach, dead or alive, or their droppings.

For some people, it’s not the mold that is making it hard to breathe in their homes, but something else that is in their walls. 

#2– Allergic to exercise

Being allergic to exercise might be something you hear your co-workers joke about, but it’s something that is real and potentially very dangerous. It's not uncommon for people with asthma to feel worse after exercise, but there are some cases where physical activity can cause symptoms. Working out causes your body temperature to rise and your blood vessels to dilate. This is how your body increases blood flow and gets more oxygen to your muscles while you're exercising. The increased blood flow and heart rate make their body prone to reactions that they wouldn’t normally have when sitting idly. 

 People who are “allergic to exercise” are more prone to experiencing an allergic reaction to a food they recently ate before they exercise. This condition is called Food Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis. These reactions can range from hives and swelling around the mouth or throat to low blood pressure, dizziness, and loss of consciousness — all signs that it's time for medical attention. 


#3-  Sweat allergy

You can be allergic to sweat. Yes, you read that right. You might be surprised to learn that you can be allergic to your own sweat. It's called cholinergic urticaria, it’s a condition where your body mistakenly recognizes certain compounds in your own sweat as foreign invaders and mounts an immune response against them. This causes your skin to become itchy and irritated, which leads to rashes and blisters when the histamines make contact with the skin.

If you have this condition, you'll experience symptoms after sweating or being in warm environments for long periods of time — like saunas or hot tubs — as well as having a fever and feeling nausea after exercising.


The good news is that this allergy isn't contagious, so if you're in close contact with someone who has it (like during an intense workout), there's no need to worry about catching it yourself!

#4– Allergic to money

There are two ways that people can actually be allergic to money. The first is an allergy to the nickel that makes up all our coins. People who suffer from this allergy can get dermatitis on their legs when carrying change in their pockets. The second way to be allergic is by Irritant Dermatitis, meaning you have a reaction to the actual ink used to print bills. The symptoms of nickel contact dermatitis include itching, hives, and an itchy rash on the face, hands, and feet. These symptoms usually appear within minutes of exposure to coins or bills and may last for up to two hours after you come into contact with them again. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea — but these are rarer conditions associated with this allergy.

A lot of people unknowingly suffer from allergies they don’t know they have, get a proper allergy test to learn how you can start fighting your allergies and feeling better.

Although the items on this list are certainly uncommon, there is still no need to panic. The best thing you can do if you find yourself dealing with what at first appears to be an odd allergy is to visit a medical professional who will be able to resolve the issue. Don't ignore strange symptoms and hope that they go away on their own. Take action and make an appointment!

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