(WACO, TX December 2, 2019) Typically Jorge Vielledent would need a bottle of allergy medication to make it through the day, but recently he learned of a new treatment.
"I felt like I could breathe clear again," says Vielledent who began the Exact Immunoplasty treatment.
"In 8 weeks we can get the same results as traditional allergy shots," says Kris Bartee who works with Aspire Allergy and Sinus in Waco.
The treatment consist of 3 shots over an 8 week period, and the results are supposed to clear symptoms for years.
Bartee says it is all because of what the treatment does.
"It's a direct injection into the lymph nodes that gives us faster results than traditional allergy drops and shots," says Bartee.
Vielledent who's gone through all 3 treatments says he would recommend it, "It absolutely cleared me up and now I don’t have to rely on medication."
Aspire says anyone can look into getting the treatment, no matter how severe your allergies are.